Corporate governance
All information about Northmills management, governance, legal structure, risk management and remuneration.
Meet the management
Northmill is managed by the board, executive management and CXOs. In addition, there are several different committees to ensure risk management and supervision.
Risk management
Northmill is, through its operations, exposed to a number of different kind of risks – that is why we need risk management. The purpose of risk management is to ensure Northmill's long-term stability.
Governance and legal structure
Good corporate governance is all about ensuring that companies are managed sustainably, responsibly and as efficiently as possible. For Northmill it is highly important to maintain the trust of its stakeholders.
Northmill's Management Process for Conflicts of Interest
The Board of Directors has approved the Policy for Management of Conflicts of Interest, which is including the management process to ensure that conflicts of interest continuously identified in the Northmill's operations will be measured, assessed, managed, monitored and controlled.
Remuneration at Northmill, as well as instructions and processes regarding it, are transparent. The purpose of remuneration structure is to strengthen Northmill's ability to attract talent at all positions and support equitable and fair treatment. The structure, in accordance with current regulations, also aims to maintain effective risk management.
Investor relations
On our investor relations section you will find up-to-date reporting, such as interim and annual financial reports, risk reports, documents and much more.