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Here you will find information about Northmill's management, governance, legal structure, risk management and remuneration.

Page last updated: 2022-09-13

About Northmill

Northmill Bank AB (publ) (org. No. 556709-4866) is a banking company under the supervision of Finansinspektionen. We are authorized to offer financial services, and you can see Finansinspektionen's corporate register for more information. Good corporate governance is about ensuring that companies are managed sustainably, responsibly and as efficiently as possible. If you want to know more about how control and supervision are organized at Northmill, you will find more detailed information from our reports.

It is of utmost importance for Northmill Bank AB to maintain the trust of all its stakeholders. Through corporate governance, rights and responsibilities are distributed among the shareholders, the board and the CEO in accordance with applicable laws, rules and processes. A well-defined decision-making system as well as a clear division of responsibilities are essential. High ethical and professional requirements and a healthy risk culture are crucial.

The operational structure of Northmill's management and board.

Operational structure.webp

Northmill Group AB (publ) är moderbolag till Northmill Bank AB.

Northmill group.webp