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29 Nov 2019

Interim report January-September 2019


Northmill’s interim report for Jan–Sep 2019 shows 26.7% loan growth to SEK 1,285M and a 3% rise in net interest income to SEK 229.4M.

Northmill Group AB (publ) publishes Interim report for the period January-September 2019

Q3 2019 (Compared to the Q3 2018)

  • The loan portfolio increased by 26.7% to SEK 1 285 million (1 015)Net interest income increased by 2.9% to SEK 76.0 million (73.9)Operating income increased by 1.7% to SEK 84.4 million (83.0)Profit before tax (EBT) decreased by 4.3% to SEK 26.9 million (28.1)

January - September 2019 (Compared to the January - September 2018)

  • The loan portfolio increased by 26.7% to SEK 1 285 million (1 015)
  • Net interest income increased by 3.0% to SEK 229.4 million (222.9)
  • Operating income increased by 1.8% to SEK 261.2 million (256.7)
  • Profit before tax (EBT) decreased by 15.6% to SEK 98.7 million (117.0)
  • Cost/Income ratio increased to 0.32 (0.22)
  • The Return on Equity amounted to 28.5%

Hikmet Ego, CEO at Northmill commented:

“With a Swedish banking license, we will accelerate our strategic investments in our organization, in our modern technology infrastructure, and increase our regulatory and product development capacity. We will continue to focus full-hearted on building a next-generation technology bank, constantly adding innovative financial products and features. With risk and compliance integrated into all processes, scalable infrastructure and a challenger culture, Rebilla will lead the way in helping our customers save time and money.”

The interim report Q3 2019 can be downloaded here.

For more information, please contact:

Tobias Ritzén, CFO+46 72-534 97 61‬

This information is information that Northmill Group AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.00 CET on November 29, 2019.

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