Life at Northmill - Jarosław Mutwil: “My dream is to climb that mountain in Nepal”

Jarosław Mutwil prefers not to choose. As a Development Manager at Northmill, he constantly aims to develop himself.
Would you rather go to southern Poland or to the top of a mountain in Asia? Jarosław Mutwil prefers not to choose. As a Development Manager at Northmill, he constantly aims to develop himself. His tools? A bit of tech, much experience, a young daughter and reading books and reportages to understand how the world works.
In southern Poland, with a population of almost 300,000, the city of Katowice is considered an emerging metropolis. Classified as a Gamma - a global city - it’s a center of science, culture, industry and business in this part of the country.
Jarosław Mutwil knows. He is born and raised in Poland, and has no plans to go anywhere else.
- I’ve lived here my whole life and I don’t think that’s going to change. As a 38 year old, I just love learning new things, mainly by reading books and reportages to help me understand the world and how it’s structured a bit better. It’s sort of a climb, an effort. Every day.
Any other way to understand the world a bit better?
- Well… Maybe through my daughter. She is almost four years old and I am spending a lot of time with her.
As a Development Manager, Jarosławs main responsibility is split into two parts. He is running the Polish office, as well as taking care of the people at Northmill.
- I like my role a lot. It’s full of new challenges on a daily basis and you never know what is going to happen the next couple of weeks.
The not-knowing part - is it stimulating or stressful?
- Even if something feels confusing or difficult, I know that I will find someone that can explain the details to me, so I don’t feel stressed in this area. It’s only stimulating. We’re a good team and every day we are working to improve the chemistry and productivity of it.
What else is stimulating?
- The fact that every case and person is different. You need to work very near people in order to understand their needs and see some patterns. This is something fantastic, as every person is a bit different and needs another kind of tool and approach than the other.
Today, Northmill has over 150 employers across four countries. The dialogue between Sweden, Poland, Norway and Finland is constantly improving, according to Jarosław.
- It’s very helpful for all departments in all countries that we are connected. As a neobank, we have put a lot of effort in creating solid bridges between the countries in order to work for the same goal. Of course, the pandemic doesn’t allow us to travel a lot these days, but people work together and want to improve all the time.
How do you mean?
- As a person that likes to learn new stuff, I wanted to learn more about certain topics that I was not so familiar with. Northmill provides me the opportunity to do that, so a few months later I felt more advanced and that I had more knowledge, which motivates me to keep on learning.
Could you describe Northmill in a few words?
- A company where you want to be.
Despite living in Katowice and with no plans of leaving Poland, Jarosław Mutwil has a dream. He is gazing at Asia, hoping to one day make a certain climb.
- If I could go to one place it would be to Ama Dablam. It’s one of my dreams to climb that peak in Nepal. It’s around 6800 meters.
Not the highest in the world...
- Indeed not, but I do like the shape of it.
Would you rather be placed at the top or make the climb?
- Make the climb. I prefer the effort.
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Quick questions
What to eat in Poland?Rolada. Polish local food.
Favourite movie?Shawshank Redemption.
Big city or nature?Nature.
A movie or a book?A book.
Coffee or tea?Tea.
Pizza or pasta?Pasta.
Al Pacino or Robert De Niro?De Niro.
Would you rather change the past or look into the future?Look into the future. We are not able to change the past. We have fantastic learning from the past and know the kind of mistakes and should not repeat them.