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16 Oct 2018
Fastest growing company

Northmill awarded as one of Sweden’s fastest growing companies in 2018

Northmill x DI Gasell.webp

Northmill was recognized as one of Sweden's fastest-growing companies in 2018, receiving the Di Gasell award from Dagens Industri.

The exact criteria a company must meet to get the Di Gasell are:

  • Turnover exceeding 10 MSEK
  • Minimum 10 employees
  • At least doubled their turnover, when comparing the first and the last year
  • Increased their turnover each year the last three years
  • A positive operating profit for the four last years
  • In all essentials grown organically, not by acquisitions or fusions
  • Sound finances

This is the second award Northmill’s received this year; in June, we were given the Achievers Award by Kauppalehti, Finland’s largest financial newspaper. Northmill was given both these awards during 2017 as well, and we are thankful and proud that our achievements in simplifying consumer finances are continually being recognised.

“Receiving this award is a great honor and a testament to the passion and work ethic of every Northmillian. More than anything this is a team effort, and we could not have gotten this far without the hard work that all of our employees put in every day,“ said Hikmet Ego, Chief Executive Officer of Northmill.

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