Q2 Interim report January – June 2019

Northmill increased revenues slightly in H1 2019 while focusing on growth investments and delivering a 30% return on equity.
Revenue increased by 0.5% to SEK 224.8 million (223.7)Net interest income increased by 2.8% to SEK 152.5 million (148.3)Profit before tax (EBT) decreased by 22% to SEK 69.3 million (88.9)Cost/income ratio increased to 0.28 (0.23)The return on equity was 30%
“During the second quarter, we converted to IFRS that together with other strategic investments are important steps towards realizing our vision of becoming a challenger neo-bank with an international presence. We have also introduced the second product under Rebilla, a unique loyalty program we named Rebilla Reward, that lowers the interest rate every time a customer pays their invoice on time. The two Rebilla product launches strengthen us in our belief, and prove, that our product-oriented and agile organization enables the strong innovative focus and makes it possible for us to continue to deliver on our ambitious targets. We have always put a strong emphasis on being able to quickly scale up and we are now experiencing the benefits of our long-term investments in people, processes and technology”, said Hikmet Ego, CEO and Co-founder Northmill.
The interim report Q2 2019 can be downloaded here.
For more information, please contact:Tobias Ritzén, CFO+46 72-534 97 61tobias.ritzen@northmill.com
This information is information that Northmill Group AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.00 CEST on August 30, 2019.